Title: Moments Between Waking Author: Keelywolfe Fandom: The Hobbit (2012) Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin, hints of Kili/Fili, hints of Dwalin/Balin Warning: Implied incest between brothers
Title: And No Rest Shall We Find Author: Keelywolfe Fandom: The Hobbit (2012) Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin
Summary: For all that the Hobbits of the Shire were mannerly and often generous, never in his life had Bilbo been so frequently an overnight guest in the house of others.
Title: For Those Who Cannot Sleep Author: Keelywolfe Fandom: The Hobbit (2012) Rating: NC-17 Pairing(s): Bilbo/Thorin Summary: Set just after the end of the movie: By all accounts, Bilbo should be soundly asleep.